
Refined Sunflower oil

Original price was: ₹850.00.Current price is: ₹800.00.

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Sold by: Derons Oil limited

Sunflowers have a large flower head, usually with a large, almost black central part which is made up of thousands of tiny florets that later become seeds set in a spiral pattern. The petals are typically bright yellow, although some varieties are orange or red. Its stem is rough and hairy while the leaves are large and rough with coarse jagged edges. Sunflowers typically grow to between one and a half and three and a half metres, with some giant variants reaching up to eight metres.

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Quick Details


Commodity: Sunflower Oil (RSFO).
Type: Refined, Winterized, Deodorized, Bleached.
Origin: European Countries.
Standards: Conform to European Norm CEN/TC 307 or Standard of production country, and International Standard

Organization ISO/TC 34/SC11, International Food Standards of United Nations and FAO Codex Alimentarius CODEX

STAN 210-1999 Standard for Named Vegetable Oils.
Quality: Fit for human consumption, free from foreign matter, any other oil or animal fats.
Color: Light yellow, clear and transparent.
Odor: Neutral odor, without an artificial odor additive.
Visibility: Without any deposition and blurriness.
Taste: Neutral, without an artificial taste, free from rancidity or any strange or bad taste and smell.
Shelf Life: 12 months, can be up to 24 months with addition.
Quantity: Up to 5.000 Metric Ton (MT) per month.

Physical and Chemical Analysis Values:
(The values may vary within standards)
Acidity (Free Fatty Acid): 0,3 maximum.
Peroxide Value (meq O2 / kg Oil) at End of Expiry Date: 8,0 maximum.
Peroxide Value (meq O2 / kg Oil) at Production Date: 1,0 maximum.
Iodine Value (WIJS): 118 – 141
Moisture and Volatile Matter (% at 105oC): 0,2 maximum.
Saponification Value (mg KOH / g oil): 188 – 194
Unsaponifiable Substances (%): 1,5 maximum.
Insoluble Substances in Fat Solvent (%): 0,05 maximum.
Refractive Index (at 40oC): 1,461 – 1,468
Specific Weight (g at 20oC): 0,910 – 0,925
Soap Content (%): 0,005 maximum.
Amount of Phosphorous: Maximum 5 ppm.
Remains of Solvent: None.

Heavy Metal Analysis:
Mercury (Hg): 0,02 mg / kg maximum.
Cadmium (Cd): 0,02 mg / kg maximum.
Arsenic (As): 0,05 mg / kg maximum.
Copper (Cu): 0,1 mg / kg maximum.
Lead (Pb): 0,1 mg / kg maximum.
Iron (Fe): 1,5 mg / kg maximum.
Zinc (Zn): 5 mg / kg maximum.

Nutrition Facts in 100 gram:
Energy: 829 kcal / 3400 kjoule
Total Fats: 100 g
Protein: 0 g
Carbohydrate: 0 g
Cholesterol: 0 g

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