Refined Soybean Oil


Approx Price / Unit/Units

Product Highlights

Sold by: Derons Oil limited

Soybean Oil is manufactured according to a process that should confer to the finished product
the following specifications:

Specifications Recommended value

Organoleptic Neutral/bland taste; absence of foreign odours and flavours
Moisture and volatile matter 0.2% maximum
Insoluble impurities 0.05% maximum
Free fatty acid 0.1% maximum expressed as oleic acid
Linolenic acid (C18:3) 4.5-11% of total fatty acids
Linoleic acid (C18:2) 48-59 % of total fatty acids
Delta-7-Stigmasterol 1.4-5.2
Acid value 0.6 mg maximum of KOH/g oil
Color 5-1/4 inch Lovibond cell
Red: 2 maximum
Yellow: 20 maximum
Soap content 0.005% maximum
Peroxide number 2 milliequivalents maximum of active oxygen per kg oil
Saponification value 189-195 mg KOH/g oil
Iodine value 124– 139 g/100g oil
Unsaponifiable matter 1.5% maximum
Refractive index (ND 40o
C) 1.466 – 1.470
Relative density
C /water at 20°C)
0.919 – 0.925
Authorized additives
-Butylated hydroxyanisol – 175 mg/kg maximum
-Butylated Hydroxytoluene – 75 mg/kg maximum

Vitamin A 24000– 36000 UI per kg oil
Vitamin D 2400 – 3600 UI per kg oil

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Quick Details


Soybean Oil is manufactured according to a process that should confer to the finished product
the following specifications:

Specifications                                                         Recommended value

Organoleptic                                                           Neutral/bland taste; absence of foreign odours and flavours
Moisture and volatile matter                          0.2% maximum
Insoluble impurities                                           0.05% maximum
Free fatty acid                                                       0.1% maximum expressed as oleic acid
Linolenic acid (C18:3)                                       4.5-11% of total fatty acids
Linoleic acid (C18:2)                                          48-59 % of total fatty acids
Delta-7-Stigmasterol                                         1.4-5.2
Acid value                                                              0.6 mg maximum of KOH/g oil
Color                                                                         5-1/4 inch Lovibond cell
Red: 2 maximum
Yellow: 20 maximum
Soap content                                                         0.005% maximum
Peroxide number                                                2 milliequivalents maximum of active oxygen per kg oil
Saponification value                                          189-195 mg KOH/g oil
Iodine value                                                          124– 139 g/100g oil
Unsaponifiable matter                                      1.5% maximum
Refractive index (ND 40o
C)                                                                                  1.466 – 1.470
Relative density
C /water at 20°C)
0.919 – 0.925
Authorized additives
-Butylated hydroxyanisol                                – 175 mg/kg maximum
-Butylated Hydroxytoluene                            – 75 mg/kg maximum

Vitamin A                                                                24000– 36000 UI per kg oil
Vitamin D                                                                2400 – 3600 UI per kg oil

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