
Refined Peanut oil

Original price was: ₹700.00.Current price is: ₹650.00.

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Sold by: Derons Oil limited

Sr. No. Quality Parameters                                                VRS Specifications
01. M I V % Max.                                                                  0.10
02. F F A %                                                                                       0.07 – 0.25
03. Sediments%                                             Nil
04. Color (Y+ 5R in 51/4” Cell, Lovibond)                       6.0 Units –
05. Refractive Index at 40 C                                            1.4620 to 1.4640
06 Saponification Value                                            189-196
07 Iodine Value                                                                 87-99
08. Unsaponiflable Matter %                                            0.9 -1.0
09 Belier Turb. Temp. C                                                       39.0-41.0
10. Cloud point C. Max                                                                   –
11. Argemone oil test TLC                                            Negative
12. Hexabromide test                                                                  Negative
13 Mineral oil test TLC                                                                Negative
14. Castor oil test TLC                                                                  Negative
15. Cottonseed oil test                                                                   Negative
16. Hydrocyanic Acid test                                             Negative
17. Tricresyl Phosphate TLC                                             Negative
18. Organoleptic Evaluation                                              Bland

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Quick Details


Peanut oil has a pleasing and sometimes light, nutty flavor. In addition to its great taste, peanut oil is perfect for deep-frying because it has a unique property. It does not absorb the flavor of other foods cooked in the oil. Therefore, you can cook several different items together and each will maintain their own great taste. Peanut

oil is also one of the world’s traditional deep-frying oils because it can reach a high temperature that keeps the outside of food crispy and the inside very moist. Peanut oil works well with all types of recipes and has been the oil of choice for frying by numerous restaurants for many years because it tastes great.

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